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Oil mill Paparella

LÓLIO Fruity succeeds in convincing all palates.

On tasting, the oil offers a fragrant and complete bouquet, with a light and balanced character, characterized by a low acidity content.

In the shadow of centuries-old olive trees and in the heart of the Tavoliere di Puglia, Frantoio Paparella was founded in 1891 in Barletta (bat).

A place where roots and traditions are virtuously intertwined with innovation in transformation processes and the careful selection of the best fruits.

The Oil Mill is currently equipped with 5 extraction and processing lines that allow it to reach a production capacity of about 200,000 tons of olives per season. Investments for the improvement of quality and quantity of extraction are constant and result in the implementation of new machinery from year to year.

Great attention is paid to all stages of production, from olive harvesting to oil storage; during these processes the olive is selected and followed until it is transformed into a product of absolute excellence, under the careful supervision of the owners and numerous panel tests held by professional tasters.


The extra virgin olive oil milled by Frantoio Paparella is cold-pressed by mechanical and highly innovative methods at a temperature never exceeding 27°C, from Italian olives grown in Puglia.

The olives are processed directly at the mill within a maximum of 12 hours after harvesting thus preserving all the chemical and physical characteristics of the oil and avoiding oxidation.

Now in its 130th year, Frantoio Paparella looks to the future with the confidence of those who believe that quality is the only choice for a better and more sustainable future. To date, the main production waste i.e. pomace and pomace stones are used to feed part of the production cycle. The Oil Mill adopts the circular economy approach and is committed to achieving production with 0 environmental impact in compliance with the Sustainable Development Goals of Agenda 2030.

The extra virgin olive oil "LÓLIO Intenso Monocultivar Coratina" is the essence of Apulian tradition, flavors and lifestyle.

Derived from the careful selection of the best olives of the typical Apulian cultivar called "Coratina". "LÓLIO Intenso - Monocultivar Coratina" presents itself to the observer with a true green color, like the olives from which it is extracted. On the palate it shows character and elegance, giving and intense and fruity notes for a strong and spicy aftertaste. The bitterish taste of extra virgin olive oil extracted from the "Coratina" cultivar is indicative of the very high concentration of polyphenols, powerful antioxidants and inflammatory agents.

The extra virgin olive oil "LÓLIO Fruttato" is a magical harmony of flavors and scents of Puglia.

Derived from a wise selection of Apulian cultivars such as Peranzana, Coratina, Ogliarola and Leccino, LÓLIO Fruttato has a vibrant green color enhanced by bright yellow highlights.


Continua su Puglia Autentica

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